Thursday 11 December 2014

What Makes a GREAT Music Teacher?

When I go to meetings with primary school head-teachers all over the country, I'm often asked the question: "What skills do your music teachers have?" or "What makes your music teachers reputable?"

Even more often, we receive dozens of applications every week for those who want to become music teachers within our company and we have to seek out whether they have the right skills for the job.

In light of the two points above, I've created a short but incisive report; so that schools and teachers can be sure of exactly what we look for, and how we go about delivering inspiring lessons.

'What makes a GREAT music teacher?'...6 simple steps to help your pupils develop an everlasting passion for learning and self-improvement.

Please click the link or the image below to view the pdf report and leave your comments below.


Thursday 4 December 2014

Maximising Pupil Progress

I've been away from blogging for a while as my colleague Chris and I have been in the J and C laboratory dissecting why some of the smartest children in the UK may not be reaching their full potential in primary school.

Fear not as our PDF below explains exactly how to ensure all children are focused and challenged in every single lesson, without fail.

Without further ado, we present to you:

P.S – As always, if you would like to find out more about J and C Academy, please visit our website:, or send us an e-mail: