Sunday, 13 September 2015

Achieving Excellence In The Wider Curriculum

When I first visited Christ Church CE (Brondesbury) Primary School in July 2015, the head-teacher Joy Donaldson asked me a salient question which I had never been asked before: "Can you describe your perfect partnership with a school & what that would look like?"

Amongst others I went on to describe our relationship with Drayton Green Primary School and after spending the summer break looking after my new born son, I couldn't wait to meet with Karen (Drayton Green's Head-teacher) to discuss the school's relationship with J and C Academy and how it has helped to raise attainment.

To give you a little background, Drayton Green is one of our flagship schools where we deploy a full time PE teacher, a Music teacher 3 days per week, a French teacher every Friday and a lunchtime clubs sports coach, Monday through Friday.

In this short interview with Karen Doherty you will learn how the school amassed an exceptional creative education programme for their pupils whilst saving over £38,000 in the process.

Read the interview: Achieving Excellence in The Wider Curriculum

I hope you enjoy the read and I would LOVE to hear your feed-back, comments and questions.

Best Regards,

Jazz Rose
Director of Education
J and C Academy

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